Monday 14 October 2013

author of Smugglers Ridge

Hi this is my first blog I'm actually blogging does this make me a bloggist? No, of course the term is blogger, anyway I was told or should I say advised to get one going, that's a blog, to introduce young readers to my books Smugglers Ridge. I have to admit after my publisher had it put on to the Amazon e-books, I did wonder whether a book with a cover and pages would have been a better way to go. But I was assured by the younger set, no this was the way to go.  The reason I took pen to paper or should I say ink to key board was during my time working with children of primary school age. Found that not all enjoy reading and I get the feeling now with the press of a button anything can be achieved. To my way of thinking the written word is a vital asset to life. Yes you read off a screen but it's not the same as holding a book or paper that gets you into the mood of a story or article.  I think reading is more important than maths, I'm really in trouble now with all those mathematicians, but lets face it if you can not read you are in big trouble. Well that's my opinion.   Books 1 and 2  take you on a journey with two boys from totally different back grounds, with the first taking place in North Queensland and the second Melbourne with a splash of south Australia.

Sunday 16 June 2013

Smugglers Ridge

Set in Australia, Smugglers Ridge is an exciting adventure story for young people about two boys named JJ and Billy. JJ lives with an aunt after losing his mother at an early age. His father works for an aerospace company up in far northern Queensland. At the age of fourteen JJ's father asks him to visit his home, hoping to get to know his son again.

JJ meets Billy, a young aboriginal boy of the same age. As two young explorers out for excitement, Billy decides to take J

They come across a lost tribe, many forgotten creatures, and an old man whom they befriend, whose ancestors go back before Captain Cook’s arrival in Australia. There are hazardous encounters with nature and many challenges the two have to endure to find their way home.
J up to Smugglers Ridge. Before JJ's arrival he had discovered two men smuggling wildlife. Billy's persistence on following up his discovery leads both boys into trouble. Having been caught snooping by the two smugglers, and in an effort to escape, they fall into the Dreamtime, an unknown world of the past where time stands still.

They come across a lost tribe, many forgotten creatures, and an old man whom they befriend, whose ancestors go back before Captain Cook’s arrival in Australia. There are hazardous encounters with nature and many challenges the two have to endure to find their way home.

This exciting book is available on at the following address: